At Cartrack, we believe in the power of innovation and customer-centric solutions. As a subscriber, you’ll enjoy not only the benefits of advanced tracking and fleet management services but also our commitment to excellence. We are here to support your business goals and help you achieve new heights of success. Once again, thank you for choosing Cartrack as your partner. Welcome aboard!

Sign up to a smarter and more efficient GPS Fleet Management solution

Cartrack Free Trial Form

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Please ensure that the information provided below pertains to the individual responsible for managing your fleet on our Fleetweb portal and who will be the administrator of the day-to-day of your fleet.
Billing Contact Person Details
Billing Contact Address
How Many Vehicles will you be signing up with Cartrack?

Vehicle Details:

List/attach your vehicle registration numbers below or you can email them to your your sales rep or
I want to

Vehicle Registration Number(s): Click + button to add more

If you have a GPS tracking device from another provider already installed in your vehicle, would you prefer Cartrack to remove it during our installation process?

Client Acknowledgement:


By submitting this form, the Client acknowledges the purpose of the free trial offered by Cartrack New Zealand Ltd. is to test the features and assess the suitability of the selected product(s). This trial requires no commitment to continue after its conclusion.

A dedicated sales representative will be in touch during the trial to provide assistance, respond to any queries, and support the Client to maximize the trial's benefits.

For questions or additional information about the trial or product features, please contact Cartrack New Zealand Ltd. via email, or call our Office on (09) 444 1244.


Cartrack's Privacy Policy

You can view/download the Cartrack Privacy Policy by clicking on the link below:

Cartrack Privacy Policy

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